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GDSCODES (Коды ошибок Firebird)

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101 335544366L Выделенный буфер памяти меньше, чем требуется
100 335544338L No match for first value expression
100 335544354L Неверное значение RDB$DB_KEY
100 335544367L Attempted retrieval of more segments than exist
100 335544374L Attempt to fetch past the last record in a record stream
-84 335544554L Table/procedure has non-SQL security class defined
-84 335544555L Column has non-SQL security class defined
-84 335544668L Процедура <string> не возвращает значений или столбцов
-103 335544571L Datatype for constant unknown
-104 335544343L Invalid request BLR at offset <long>
-104 335544390L BLR syntax error: expected <string> at offset <long>, encountered <long>
-104 335544425L Контекст уже используется (BLR error)
-104 335544426L Контекст не определен (BLR error)
-104 335544429L Bad parameter number
-104 335544440L
-104 335544456L Invalid slice description language at offset <long>
-104 335544570L Неверная команда
-104 335544579L Внутрення ошибка
-104 335544590L Option specified more than once
-104 335544591L Unknown transaction option
-104 335544592L Invalid array reference
-104 335544634L Token unknown—line <long>, char <long>
-104 335544608L Unexpected end of command
-104 335544612L Token unknown
-150 335544360L Attempted update of read-only table
-150 335544362L Cannot update read-only view <string>
-150 335544446L Notupdatable
-150 335544546L Cannot define constraints on views
-151 335544359L Attempted update of read-only column
-155 335544658L <string> is not a valid base table of the specified view
-157 335544598L Must specify column name for view select expression
-158 335544599L Number of columns does not match select list
-162 335544685L Dbkey not available for multi-table views
-170 335544512L Parameter mismatch for procedure <string>
-170 335544619L External functions cannot have more thaniO parameters
-171 335544439L Function <string> could not be matched
-171 335544458L Column not array or invalid dimensions (expected <long>, encountered <long>)
-171 335544618L Return mode by value not allowed for this datatype
-172 335544438L Function <string> is not defined
-204 335544463L Generator <string> is not defined
-204 335544502L Reference to invalid stream number
-204 335544509L CHARACTER SET <string> is not defined
-204 335544511L Procedure <string> is not defined
-204 335544515L Status code <string> unknown
-204 335544516L Exception <string> not defined
-204 335544532L Name of Referential Constraint not defined in constraints table.
-204 335544551L Could not find table/procedure for GRANT
-204 335544568L Implementation of text subtype <digit> not located.
-204 335544573L Datatype unknown
-204 335544580L Table unknown
-204 335544581L Procedure unknown
-204 335544588L COLLATION <string> is not defined
-204 335544589L COLLATION <string> is not valid for specified CHARACTER SET
-204 335544595L Trigger unknown
-204 335544620L Alias <string> conflicts with an alias in the same statement
-204 335544621L Alias <string> conflicts with a procedure in the same statement
-204 335544622L Alias <string> conflicts with a table in the same statement
-204 335544635L There is no alias or table named <string> at this scope leveL
-204 335544636L There is no index <string> for table <string>
-204 335544640L Invalid use of CHARACTER SET ОГ COLLATE
-204 335544662L BLOB SUB_TYPE <string> is not defined
-205 335544396L Column <string> is not defined in table <string>
-205 335544552L Could not find column for GRANT
-206 335544578L Column unknown
-206 335544587L Column is not a Blob
-206 335544596L Subselect illegal in this context
-208 335544617L Invalid ORDER BY clause
-219 335544395L Table <string> is not defined
-239 335544691L Cache length too smalL
-260 335544690L Cache redefined
-281 335544637L Table <string> is not referenced in plan
-282 335544638L «Table <string> is referenced more than once in plan; use aliases to distinguish»
-282 335544643L «The table <string> is referenced twice; use aliases to differentiate»
-282 335544659L «Table <string> is referenced twice in view; use an alias to distinguish»
-282 335544660L «View <string> has more than one base table; use aliases to distinguish»
-283 335544639L Table <string> is referenced in the plan but not the from list
-284 335544642L Index <string> cannot be used in the specified plan
-291 335544531L Column used in a PRIMARY/UNIQUE constraint must be NOT NULL.
-292 335544534L Cannot update constraints (RDB$REF_CONSTRAINTS).
-293 335544535L Cannot update constraints (RDB$CHECK_CONSTRAINTS).
-294 335544536L Cannot delete CHECK constraint entry (RDB$CHECK_CONSTRAINTS)
-295 335544545L Cannot update constraints (RDB$RELATION_CONSTRAINTS).
-296 335544547L Internal isc software consistency check (invalid RDB$CONSTRAINT_TYPE)
-297 335544558L Operation violates CHECK constraint <string> on view or table
-313 335544669L Count of column list and variable list do not match
-314 335544565L Cannot transliterate character between character sets
-401 335544647L Invalid comparison operator for find operation
-402 335544368L Attempted invalid operation on a Blob
-402 335544414L Blob and array datatypes are not supported for <string> operation
-402 335544427L Data operation not supported
-406 335544457L Subscript out of bounds
-407 335544435L Null segment of UNIQUE KEY
-413 335544334L «Conversion error from string »«<string>»«»
-413 335544454L Filter not found to convert type <long> to type <long>
-501 335544327L Invalid request handle
-501 335544577L Attempt to reclose a closed cursor
-502 335544574L Declared cursor already exists
-502 335544576L Attempt to reopen an open cursor
-504 335544572L Cursor unknown
-508 335544348L No current record for fetch operation
-510 335544575L Cursor not updatable
-518 335544582L Request unknown
-519 335544688L The PREPARE statement identifies a prepare statement with an open cursor
-530 335544466L «Violation of FOREIGN KEY constraint: »«<string>»«»
-530 335544597L Cannot prepare a CREATE DATABASE/SCHEMA statement
-532 335544469L Transaction marked invalid by I/O error
-551 335544352L No permission for <string> access to <string> <string>
-552 335544550L Only the owner of a table can reassign ownership
-552 335544553L User does not have GRANT privileges for operation
-553 335544529L Cannot modify an existing user privilege
-595 335544645L The current position is on a crack
-596 335544644L Illegal operation when at beginning of stream
-597 335544632L Preceding file did not specify length, so <string> must include starting page number
-598 335544633L Shadow number must be a positive integer
-599 335544607L Gen.c: node not supported
-600 335544625L A node name is not permitted in a secondary, shadow, cache or log file name
-600 335544680L Sort error: corruption in data structure
-601 335544646L Файл базы данных или указанный файл уже существует.
-604 335544593L Array declared with too many dimensions
-604 335544594L Illegal array dimension range
-605 335544682L Inappropriate self-reference of column
-607 335544351L Unsuccessful metadata update
-607 335544549L Cannot modify or erase a system trigger
-607 335544657L Array/Blob/DATE/TIIMESTAMP datatypes not allowed in arithmetic
-615 335544475L Lock on table <string> conflicts with existing lock
-615 335544476L Requested record lock conflicts with existing lock
-615 335544507L Refresh range number <long> already in use
-616 335544530L Cannot delete PRIMARY KEY being used in FOREIGN KEY definition.
-616 335544539L Cannot delete index used by an integrity constraint
-616 335544540L Cannot modify index used by an integrity constraint
-616 335544541L Cannot delete trigger used by a CHECK Constraint
-616 335544543L Cannot delete column being used in an integrity constraint.
-616 335544630L There are <long> dependencies
-616 335544674L Last column in a table cannot be deleted
-617 335544542L Cannot update trigger used by a CHECK Constraint
-617 335544544L Cannot rename column being used in an integrity constraint.
-618 335544537L Cannot delete index segment used by an integrity constraint
-618 335544538L Cannot update index segment used by an integrity constraint
-625 335544347L «Validation error for column <string>, value »«<string>»«»
-637 335544664L Duplicate specification of <string> not supported
-660 335544533L Non-existent PRIMARY or UNIQUE KEY specified for FOREIGN KEY
-660 335544628L Cannot create index <string>
-663 335544624L Segment count of 0 defined for index <string>
-663 335544631L Too many keys defined for index <string>
-663 335544672L Too few key columns found for index <string> (incorrect column name?)
-664 335544434L «key size exceeds implementation restriction for index »«<string>»«»
-677 335544445L <string> extension error
-685 335544465L Invalid Blob type for operation
-685 335544670L Attempt to index Blob column in index <string>
-685 335544671L Attempt to index array column in index <string>
-689 335544403L Page <long> is of wrong type (expected <long>, found <long>)
-689 335544650L Wrong page type
-690 335544679L Segments not allowed in expression index <string>
-691 335544681L New record size of <long> bytes is too big
-692 335544477L Maximum indexes per table (<digit>) exceeded
-693 335544663L Too many concurrent executions of the same request
-694 335544684L Cannot access column <string> in view <string>
-802 335544321L Arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation
-803 335544349L «Attempt to store duplicate value (visible to active transactions) in unique index »«<string>»«»
-803 335544665L «Violation of PRIMARY or UNIQUE KEY constraint: »«<string>»«»
-804 335544380L Wrong number of arguments on calL
-804 335544583L SQLDA missing or incorrect version, or incorrect number/type of variables
-804 335544584L Count of columns not equal count of values
-804 335544586L Function unknown
-806 335544600L Only simple column names permitted for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTION
-807 335544601L No where clause for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTION
-808 335544602L Only one table allowed for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTION
-809 335544603L DISTINCT, GROUP ОГ HAVING not permitted for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTION
-810 335544605L No subqueries permitted for VIEW WITH CHECK OPTION
-811 335544652L Multiple rows in singleton select
-816 335544651L External file could not be opened for output
-817 335544361L Attempted update during read-only transaction
-817 335544371L Attempted write to read-only Blob
-817 335544444L Operation not supported
-820 335544356L Metadata is obsolete
-820 335544379L «Unsupported on-disk structure for file <sf™g>;found</ong>, support <long>»
-820 335544437L Wrong DYN version
-820 335544467L Minor version too high found <long> expected <long>
-823 335544473L Invalid bookmark handle
-824 335544474L Invalid lock level <digit>
-825 335544519L Invalid lock handle
-826 335544585L Invalid statement handle
-827 335544655L Invalid direction forfind operation
-828 335544678L Invalid key position
-829 335544616L Invalid column reference
-830 335544615L Column used with aggregate
-831 335544548L Attempt to define a second PRIMARY KEY for the same table
-832 335544604L FOREIGN KEY column count does not match PRIMARY KEY
-833 335544606L Expression evaluation not supported
-834 335544508L Refresh range number <long> not found
-835 335544649L Bad checksum
-836 335544517L Exception <digit>
-837 335544518L Restart shared cache manager
-838 335544560L Database <string> shutdown in <digit> seconds
-839 335544686L journal file wrong format
-840 335544687L Intermediate journal file fulL
-841 335544677L Too many versions
-842 335544697L Precision should be greater than 0
-842 335544698L Scalecannot be greater than precision
-842 335544699L Short integer expected
-842 335544700L Long integer expected
-842 335544701L Unsigned short integer expected
-901 335544322L Invalid database key
-901 335544326L Unrecognized database parameter block
-901 335544328L Invalid Blob handle
-901 335544329L Invalid Blob ID
-901 335544330L Invalid parameter in transaction parameter block
-901 335544331L Invalid format for transaction parameter block
-901 335544332L Invalid transaction handle (expecting explicit transaction start)
-901 335544337L Attempt to start more than <long> transactions
-901 335544339L Information type inappropriate for object specified
-901 335544340L No information of this type available for object specified
-901 335544341L Unknown information item
-901 335544342L Action cancelled by trigger (<long>) to preserve data integrity
-901 335544345L Lock conflict on no wait transaction
-901 335544350L Program attempted to exit without finishing database
-901 335544353L Transaction is not in limbo
-901 335544355L Blob was not closed
-901 335544357L Cannot disconnect database with open transactions (<long> active)
-901 335544358L Message length error (encountered <long>, expected <long>)
-901 335544363L No transaction for request
-901 335544364L Request synchronization error
-901 335544365L Request referenced an unavailable database
-901 335544369L Attempted read of a new, open Blob
-901 335544370L Attempted action on blob outside transaction
-901 335544372L Attempted reference to Blob in unavailable database
-901 335544376L Table <string> was omitted from the transaction reserving list
-901 335544377L Request includes a DSRI extension not supported in this implementation
-901 335544378L Feature is not supported
-901 335544382L <string>
-901 335544383L Unrecoverable conflict with limbo transaction <long>
-901 335544392L Internal error
-901 335544407L Database handle not zero
-901 335544408L Transaction handle not zero
-901 335544418L Transaction in limbo
-901 335544419L Transaction not in limbo
-901 335544420L Transaction outstanding
-901 335544428L Undefined message number
-901 335544431L Blocking signal has been received
-901 335544442L Database system cannot read argument <long>
-901 335544443L Database system cannot write argument <long>
-901 335544450L <string>
-901 335544468L Transaction <long> is <string>
-901 335544485L Invalid statement handle
-901 335544510L Lock time-out on wait transaction
-901 335544559L Invalid service handle
-901 335544561L Wrong version of service parameter block
-901 335544562L Unrecognized service parameter block
-901 335544563L Service <string> is not defined
-901 335544609L INDEX <string>
-901 335544610L EXCEPTION <string>
-901 335544611L Column <string>
-901 335544613L Union not supported
-901 335544614L Unsupported DSQL construct
-901 335544623L Illegal use of keyword VALUE
-901 335544626L Table <string>
-901 335544627L Procedure <string>
-901 335544641L Specified domain or source column does not exist
-901 335544656L Variable <string> conflicts with parameter in same procedure
-901 335544666L Server version too old to support all CREATE DATABASE options
-901 335544673L Cannot delete
-901 335544675L Sort error
-902 335544333L Internal isc software consistency check (<string>)
-902 335544335L Database file appears corrupt (<string>)
-902 335544344L «I/O error during »«<string>»« operation tortile »«<string>»«»
-902 335544346L Corrupt system table
-902 335544373L Operating system directive <string> failed
-902 335544384L Internal error
-902 335544385L Internal error
-902 335544387L Internal error
-902 335544388L Block size exceeds implementation restriction
-902 335544394L Incompatible version of on-disk structure
-902 335544397L Internal error
-902 335544398L Internal error
-902 335544399L Internal error
-902 335544400L Internal error
-902 335544401L Internal error
-902 335544402L Internal error
-902 335544404L Database corrupted
-902 335544405L Checksum error on database page <long>
-902 335544406L Index is broken
-902 335544409L Transaction-request mismatch (synchronization error)
-902 335544410L Bad handle count
-902 335544411L Wrong version of transaction parameter block
-902 335544412L Unsupported BLR version (expected <long>, encountered <long>)
-902 335544413L Wrong version of database parameter block
-902 335544415L Database corrupted
-902 335544416L Internal error
-902 335544417L Internal error
-902 335544422L Internal error
-902 335544423L Internal error
-902 335544432L Lock manager error
-902 335544436L SQL error code = <long>
-902 335544448L
-902 335544449L
-902 335544470L Cache buffer for page <long> invalid
-902 335544471L There is no index in table <string> with id <digit>
-902 335544472L Your user name and password are not defined. Ask your database administrator to set up an InterBase login.
-902 335544478L Enable journal for database before starting online dump
-902 335544479L Online dump failure. Retry dump
-902 335544480L An online dump is already in progress
-902 335544481L No more disk/tape space. Cannot continue online dump
-902 335544483L Maximum number of online dump files that can be specified is 16
-902 335544506L Database <string> shutdown in progress
-902 335544520L Long-term journaling already enabled
-902 335544528L Database <string> shutdown
-902 335544557L Database shutdown unsuccessfuL
-902 335544653L Cannot attach to password database
-902 335544654L Cannot start transaction for password database
-902 335544564L Long-term joumaling not enabled
-902 335544569L Dynamic SQL Error
-904 335544324L Invalid database handle (no active connection)
-904 335544375L Unavailable database
-904 335544381L Implementation limit exceeded
-904 335544386L Too many requests
-904 335544389L Buffer exhausted
-904 335544391L Buffer in use
-904 335544393L Request in use
-904 335544424L No lock manager available
-904 335544430L Unable to allocate memory from operating system
-904 335544451L Update conflicts with concurrent update
-904 335544453L Object <string> is in use
-904 335544455L Cannot attach active shadow file
-904 335544460L A file in manual shadow <long> is unavailable
-904 335544661L Cannot add index, index root page is full.
-904 335544676L Sort error: not enough memory
-904 335544683L Request depth exceeded. (Recursive definition?)
-906 335544452L Product <string> is not licensed
-909 335544667L Drop database completed with errors
-911 335544459L Record from transaction <long> is stuck in limbo
-913 335544336L Deadlock
-922 335544323L File <string> is not a valid database
-923 335544421L Connection rejected by remote interface
-923 335544461L Secondary server attachments cannot validate databases
-923 335544462L Secondary server attachments cannot start joumaling
-924 335544325L Bad parameters on attach or create database
-924 335544441L Database detach completed with errors
-924 335544648L Connection lost to pipe server
-926 335544447L No rollback performed
-999 335544689L InterBase error



См. также


Language Reference


PEAKTOP, 2009/02/16 18:36

Ну, коды ошибок из Lnaguage Reference я добавил… Теперь начинаем переводить :)

Ваш комментарий. Вики-синтаксис разрешён:
gdscodes.txt · Последнее изменение: 2009/02/16 18:41 (внешнее изменение)